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Image by Candice Picard

NWMin Conference 2023

Headship in the Church: Is Not What You Think

Presenter: Sarah Sumner, Ph.D., MBA

Society is embroiled in a version of identity politics that elevates women and scapegoats men. Imbalances of power have recently given way to cultural convulsions that have literally redefined what it means to be male and female.  Gender wars have broadened and over time given way to gender ideology and critical race theory.  Genderism, feminism, racism have all become big issues in the church.   Meanwhile, most churches are overlooking the doctrine that deals with social relations at a theological level.  Headship is about relationships.  Headship is part of the gospel.  Headship

sets apart Christianity from every other religion in the world.  In this workshop, we will begin to 

explore the most undeveloped aspect of ecclesiology:  headship!   

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