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Missional Ministry Credential

“My people are perishing for lack of knowledge!” (Hosea 4:6). 

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Proverbs 9:10).

At the base of our MDiv Equivalent and all of our Vocational Certificates lies our Missional Ministry Credential (MMC). This foundational set of courses serves to ground students in Knowledge and Wisdom.  The credential takes into account each student’s Mission, Vision, and Why Statement and Strategic Futuring Plan.  The program credentials successful students as missionaries who are educationally prepared to live on mission—to live right on mission—and not off mission. The MMC is designed for a broad spectrum of believers:  businesspeople in the marketplace, professionals in the workforce, churchgoers looking for more depth, and college students who seek to offset their secular learning in a theological framework.  It is also meant for ministers already seminary trained, but who seek Continuing Education. 



16 Foundational Courses  

Identity Statements

Digital Book

Interest Form

If you are interested in pursuing a Vocational Certificate or the Governance Credential, please fill out the form below:

Contact - PreConsult
Pointing Pen and Finger on Document

Faculty Advisement

30 min  |  Free Advisement

This complimentary service is a 1:1 interactive, structured conversation. Any believer age 17 and up is welcome to sign up.

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