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Can You Shape The Future?

Sarah Sumner

Updated: Mar 18, 2024

In the last few decades, higher education has tended to teach students that they themselves as persons cannot make a positive difference in the world.  Institutions, yes, can get something substantial done, but individual persons, no, cannot.  Many students are taught that a rugged individual is capable of effectuating nothing.  Thus students come to believe that it’s best to conform to the crowd and just do whatever they’re told without question.  Years ago, a top performing graduate of an upstanding American law school told me that he knows he “can’t do anything” about problems he perceives.  

Ladies and Gentlemen, Brother and Sisters:  We have an educational crisis!

Think about it.  How hard would you try to make things better if you felt convinced that your personal input was less than miniscule?   Would you stand up and risk to do what is right if you believed your actions were entirely impotent?  Hardly anyone would exert much effort if they believed their work was inconsequential.  

So let me ask you a poignant, personal question:  Do you believe that you can shape the future?   READ ON

I fear that we have been secularized with regard to our understanding of the power of own human agency.   My observation is that most churchgoing Christians have resorted to passivity.  There are some exceptions, but all in all, we’re hardly even trying to salt the earth (Matthew 5:13).  “Don’t fight city hall” is a mantra in our heads.  “Don’t make waves in the Christian entity because then you’ll be accused of being divisive.”  “God doesn’t help people today in the way that God helped people in the Bible.”  These types of downers cloud our thinking.  

For sure we want to be biblical and submit to the voice of God spoken through King David and the prophets: 

  •  “Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6);  

  • Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom, nor let the mighty man boast of his might, nor a rich man boast of his riches; but let the one who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me” (Jeremiah 9:23-24a);

  • Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God (Psalm 20:7).

The question has nothing to do with us predicting the future.  God alone knows the future.  I’m asking you instead if you think it is possible for you to shape the future.

What do you believe deep in your heart?  Do you think one individual can alter a situation?  

I bet you believe a murderer can alter a situation.  

Do you believe a disciple, a follower of Jesus Christ, can alter the course of history in some fashion?

What does your life say about your real beliefs?  Are you out there speaking truth, even in the face of opposition?  Are you imitating Jesus, entrusting yourself to God Who judges righteously?  Are you offering your best in hopes that God will use you to bless someone you love?

How much are you holding back in your obedience to God?  How much are you missing out on experiencing God’s power (II Corinthians 12:9)?   Do you have stories to tell about God’s faithfulness and how He intervened as you humbly walked by faith, not sight?  

In II Timothy 3:11, the apostle Paul says:  “What persecutions I endured, and out of them all the Lord rescued me!”  God rescued the chief of sinners out of every single episode of sabotage.

At Right On Mission we have a process called Strategic Futuring that will take you to the next level of discipleship.  If you want to steward your life, not waste it, then sign up.  If you want to make the most of your time, then register to join an upcoming cohort.   If you’re ready to start living to the fullest unto God, then prioritize going through this because it is extremely empowering in such surprising ways.   The curriculum is unique to Right On Mission.   No textbooks are required.  All you need to bring is a Bible.  It’s all online on Zoom and very closely guided by an instructor.

I’ve been through the process over 50x myself so far, and I can’t wait to go through it again.  Everything you learn in it is utterly practical.  The whole point is to elevate the way you live your life.  There’s no gimmick.  No easy shortcut.  No worldly self-exaltation.  The process takes you deep into Scripture, into the awe-inspiring freedom of learning how to be yourself in Christ.



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