Certified Guides

Tom Okarma
Tom was a success in the business world, having crowned his career as CEO at DPIC Companies, Inc. in the Bay area. After that season of being in the corner office ended, Tom found himself facing closed doors. He was overqualified, yet under-used. He started a consulting practice, but it did not take off until Tom’s relationship with his own future was redeemed. Now Tom works nationally and has authored two books. For Tom, it all traced back to getting his mission statement and then learning how to project it into the future with renewed hope in God.
Tom’s mission is to empower people with strategies that honor what God loves.

Lisa Orimoto
Lisa Orimoto, Ph.D. is affectionately referred to as “Dr. Lisa” or “Dr. O.” She is a formally trained scientist whose expertise includes human development, communication, strategic planning, and relational dynamics. She was certified to lead Strategic Futuring in 2016 and now oversees Strategic Futuring at Right On Mission. Dr. Lisa is an exceptional listener who helps other people listen in new ways, which helps a lot in the Strategic Futuring process.
Lisa's mission is to persuade people to dare to develop their creative potential.

Sarah Sumner
Sarah Sumner designed the unique process that Right On Mission owns and uses for Strategic Futuring. As a theologian (Ph.D., Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; M.A. Theology Wheaton College), Dr. Sumner turned Strategic Futuring into a deep discipleship program that reliably reveals your true calling, infuses you with hope, and prepares you to face your future with resolve. Dr. Sumner has led dozens of groups and individuals through the odyssey of Strategic Futuring, and she cannot wait to do it again.
Sarah’s mission statement is to build integrity in the Church.