Spiritual Direction
To help you hear God.
Spiritual Direction is a prayerful conversation between a directee and a spiritual director. The director is a guide who helps you pay attention to God and discern what the Holy Spirit is revealing. By engaging gentle questions, the directee is assisted in listening to God and being careful to respond to promptings and convictions from the Spirit. This empathic process helps you step into the future with assurance of God’s love and better understanding of how to apply God’s Word so that you experience God yourself more personally.
To schedule a free 30 minute pre-consultation, fill out this inquiry form.

Mike Garry, M.A.
Mike's Why Statement: I believe spiritual formation is an unhurried process of sojourning with pain and caring interpersonally for others.
Pastor Mike is our in-house spiritual director here to serve men and women and also pre-college students.
Mike is more than a bivocational pastor: he shepherds a church, works at a bike shop, serves as a mountain bike guide, works also as a coach and retreat facilitator. Mike is a man of adventure. Echoing a famous actor, Mike says: “I’d rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than any city on earth.”
Mike holds an MA in Spiritual Formation from Gordon-Conwell Seminary, a double BA in Youth Ministry and Contemporary Worship from Oak Hills Bible College. He was certified as a spiritual director at Selah Center of Spiritual Formation.
Mike and his wife and two kids live in Minnesota.

Sarah Sumner, Ph.D., MBA
Sarah's Why Statement: I believe God surprises us with yet another jackpot every time we truly trust in Him.
Sarah Sumner (Ph.D., Systematic Theology) is a theologian who operates as an entrepreneurial change agent. In March 2012, she sensed the Lord prompting her to spark a global movement for moral courage. We live in an age of off-mission Christianity, and it is time to change that by teaching believers how to live "on mission." Having served for 17 years cumulatively as a seminary dean (A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary), chair of ministry (Azusa Pacific University), teaching pastor (New Song Church), evangelism staff leader (Willow Creek Community Church), and having walked with the Lord since age 3 (in the panhandle of Texas), she has a long history of drinking deep draughts of God’s grace that make it possible for her to bet on God.
Sarah and her husband, Jim, live in California.